七十岁的摩托车手在8月16日在斯塔福德郡坎诺克的博沙漠高尔夫俱乐部附近的车祸中死亡. 70-year-old motorcyclist dies in car collision near Beau Desert Golf Club, Cannock, Staffordshire on August 16.
七十岁的摩托车手在8月16日下午6点半死于与汽车相撞. 70-year-old motorcyclist dies in collision with car near Beau Desert Golf Club, Cannock, Staffordshire on August 16 at 6:30pm. 司机留在现场,配合警方调查;证人和有相关录像的证人被要求与警方联系。 Car driver stayed at scene, cooperating with police investigation; witnesses and those with relevant footage requested to contact police. 专家干事在困难时期为摩托车手的家庭提供支助。 Specialist officers support motorcyclist's family during difficult time.