在奥克兰的一架警察直升机的协助下,分别逮捕了2人:一名男子因被盗车牌和毒品被捕,一名妇女因鲁莽驾驶而被捕。 2 separate arrests aided by a police helicopter in Auckland: one man for stolen plates and drugs, and a woman for reckless driving.
警察鹰直升机协助在奥克兰夜间分别逮捕了2人。 Police Eagle helicopter aided in two separate arrests overnight in Auckland. 在第一次事件中,发现一辆车牌被窃的汽车装有毒品,导致一名34岁男子被捕。 In the first incident, a vehicle with stolen plates was found containing drugs, leading to a 34-year-old man's arrest. 第二起事件涉及一辆鲁莽的超速车辆,直升机跟踪其行踪直至停止,导致一名33岁的妇女因被控危险驾驶和未为警察停车等罪名被捕。 The second incident involved a reckless speeding vehicle, with the helicopter tracking its movements until it stopped, leading to a 33-year-old woman's arrest on charges including dangerous driving and failing to stop for police.