Netflix的“建立乐队”加上Nicole Scherzinger、Kelly Rowland和Liam Payne作为法官来发现和创建新的乐队。 Netflix's "Building The Band" adds Nicole Scherzinger, Kelly Rowland, and Liam Payne as judges to discover and create a new band.
Netflix 的《Building The Band》节目增加了妮可·舒辛格和凯莉·罗兰以及利亚姆·佩恩担任评委。 Netflix's "Building The Band" show adds Nicole Scherzinger and Kelly Rowland as judges alongside Liam Payne. 该节目旨在发现并创建一个新乐队,结合这些有才华的音乐家和表演者的专门知识。 The show aims to discover and create a new band, combining the expertise of these talented musicians and performers. 这场激动人心的比赛将以有抱负的艺术家为特色,争夺组建乐队的机会,并可能开启他们的职业生涯。 The exciting competition will feature aspiring artists competing for the chance to form a band and potentially launch their careers.