康涅狄格州州长Ned Lamont任命DeVaughn L. Ward为惩教署临时监察员。 Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont appoints DeVaughn L. Ward as interim ombudsman for the Department of Correction.
康涅狄格州州长Ned Lamont已任命公民权利律师DeVaughn L. Ward为惩教署临时监察员。 Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont has appointed DeVaughn L. Ward, a civil rights attorney, as the interim ombudsman for the Department of Correction. Ward曾成功起诉过国家囚犯的医疗,他将评估监狱的运作,与被监禁的个人沟通,并提出政策修改建议。 Ward, who has experience successfully suing the state for prisoners' healthcare, will evaluate prison operations, communicate with incarcerated individuals, and recommend policy revisions. 他的任命是在国家未能确认前任提名的希拉里·卡彭特之后作出的。 His appointment comes after the state failed to confirm previous nominee Hilary Carpenter. 惩教咨询委员会正在寻找一名常设监察员。 The Correction Advisory Committee is searching for a permanent ombudsman.