中国乒乓球协会誓言要打击网络诽谤,这与中国推动网络环境清朗的步伐相一致。 Chinese Table Tennis Association vows to counter online defamation, in line with China's clean online environment push.
中国餐桌网球协会支持当局在巴黎奥运会期间对网上诽谤和体育迷圈不守规矩行为的镇压。 The Chinese Table Tennis Association supports authorities' crackdown on online defamation and unruly behavior in sports fan circles, following incidents during the Paris Olympics. CTTA 承诺收集证据并对参与在线虐待、诽谤或针对团队和成员的恶意攻击的人采取法律行动。 The CTTA pledges to gather evidence and take legal action against those involved in online abuse, defamation, or malicious attacks against teams and members. 这与中国促进清洁在线环境并促进其成为全球体育动力站的目标的努力是一致的。 This is in line with China's efforts to promote a clean online environment and contribute to its goal of becoming a global sports powerhouse.