巴西联邦警察指控前司法部长和前联邦高速公路警察局长在2022年总统选举期间镇压选民的努力。 Brazil's federal police accuse former Justice Minister and ex-Federal Highway Police chief of voter suppression efforts during the 2022 presidential election.
巴西联邦警察指控前司法部长安德森·托雷斯(Anderson Torres)在2022年总统选举期间,与联邦高速公路警察前总长Silvinei Vasques一道,合力将反对派多数选民从投票站封锁起来。 Brazil's federal police accuse former Justice Minister Anderson Torres of orchestrating efforts to block opposition-stronghold voters from polling stations during the 2022 presidential election, alongside ex-chief of Federal Highway Police, Silvinei Vasques. 这些指控指控联邦高速公路警察封锁卢拉支助区的道路,引起人们对选民镇压的关切。 These charges follow allegations of Federal Highway Police blocking roads in Lula-supporting regions, raising concerns of voter suppression. 两人都因被控在选举后被右翼抗议者攻击政府大楼中扮演的角色而入狱, Both men were jailed for their alleged roles in a post-election attack on government buildings by right-wing protesters questioning the election outcome.