39岁,Sean Moody, Elizabethton, TN, 被控虐待发育残疾姐妹; TBI参与。 39-yr-old Sean Moody, Elizabethton, TN, charged with abusing sister with developmental disability; TBI involvement.
TN的Elizabethton的39岁的Sean David Moody被指控在TBI探员发现虐待证据后虐待一个脆弱的成年人,即其妹妹患有发育残疾。 39-year-old Sean David Moody from Elizabethton, TN, was charged with abusing a vulnerable adult, his sister with a developmental disability, after TBI agents found evidence of mistreatment. 该案件被成人保护服务机构转交TBI,Moody正面临一项虐待成人发育残疾的指控。 The case was referred to TBI by Adult Protective Services, and Moody is facing one count of abusing an adult with a developmental disability. 他被捕后被押入卡特县监狱 押金为10 000美元 He was arrested and booked into Carter County Jail on a $10,000 bond.