当时17岁的18岁的Htet Sar和Gabriel Melo-Beltran因1月份在南纳什维尔抢劫案中谋杀William Rafael Silva而被捕。 18-year-olds Htet Sar and Gabriel Melo-Beltran, who were 17 at the time, were arrested for the January murder of William Rafael Silva during a South Nashville robbery.
18岁的Htet Sar和Gabriel Melo-Beltran两人都是青少年,因与1月份在南纳什维尔抢劫案谋杀William Rafael Silva有关而被捕。 18-year-olds Htet Sar and Gabriel Melo-Beltran, both charged as juveniles, were arrested in connection with the January murder of William Rafael Silva during a robbery in South Nashville. Silva在医院被送到医院后被枪杀,后来死亡。 Silva was shot and later died after being dropped off at a hospital. 犯罪时两名嫌疑人有17人,正在少年法庭受到指控。 Both suspects were 17 at the time of the crime and are facing charges in juvenile court.