在河内举行的第四届印度-越南海上安全对话,强调加强合作。 4th India-Vietnam Maritime Security Dialogue held in Hanoi, emphasizing enhanced cooperation.
在河内举行的第四届印度-越南海上安全对话,强调加强海上执法合作以及在国际和区域论坛上的共同目标。 4th India-Vietnam Maritime Security Dialogue held in Hanoi, emphasizing enhanced cooperation in maritime law enforcement and shared objectives at international and regional forums. 讨论的议题包括海洋科学研究、海洋经济、人道主义援助、海军和海岸警卫队合作以及海上执法。 Discussions included topics like marine scientific research, ocean economy, humanitarian assistance, navy and coast guard cooperation, and maritime law enforcement. 两国同意加强这些领域,并计划在双方方便的日期在新德里举行下一次对话。 Both nations agreed to strengthen these areas and plan to hold the next dialogue in New Delhi at a mutually convenient date.