总部位于宾夕法尼亚州的 Sheetz 将扩展到密歇根州,在夏季结束前开设 50-60 家门店,主要在底特律大都会地区。 Pennsylvania-based Sheetz to expand into Michigan, opening 50-60 stores, primarily in Metro Detroit area, by summer end.
位于宾夕法尼亚州的便利店和加油站连锁店Sheetz以其24小时不间断的服务和定制食品菜单而闻名,正在扩展到密歇根州,计划在该州50-60个地点,主要在底特律大都市地区. Pennsylvania-based convenience store and gas station chain Sheetz, known for its 24/7 service and made-to-order food menu, is expanding into Michigan with plans for 50-60 locations in the state, primarily in the Metro Detroit area. 公司首家密歇根商店预定在夏季末在罗穆卢斯开业,然后在切斯特菲尔德开设第二家店。 The company's first Michigan store is set to open in Romulus by the end of summer, followed by a second location in Chesterfield. 希兹计划每家商店创造大约30个工作岗位,大多数职位都是全职的。 Sheetz plans to create around 30 jobs per store, with most positions being full-time.