1: 汽车撞进费城的Schuylkill河, 司机据信在里面。 1: Car crashes into Schuylkill River in Philadelphia, driver believed to be inside.
一辆汽车在凌晨3点45分 在吉拉德大道大桥附近 撞到凯利大道的费城斯楚亚基尔河 A car crashed into Philadelphia's Schuylkill River on Kelly Drive at 3:45am, near the Girard Avenue Bridge. 目击者安东尼·曼杜齐奥(Anthony Manduzio)看到汽车超速,猛踩刹车,然后倒车入水中。 Witness Anthony Manduzio saw the car speed, slam brakes, and reverse into the water. 救援人员搜寻了司机,但车沉在地表下25至30英尺处。 Rescue crews searched for the driver, but the car sank 25-30 feet below the surface. 事故原因不明 费城警队潜水队 正在夺回这辆车 相信当时有人在车里 The reason for the accident is unknown, and the Philadelphia Police Marine Unit Dive Team is retrieving the car, believing someone was inside at the time.