8月17日:前总统特朗普在北卡罗来纳州发表经济演讲, 概述降低能源成本、增加美国能源产量及在可能连任后击退通货膨胀的计划。 17 August: Former President Trump delivers an economic speech in North Carolina, outlining plans to lower energy costs, increase US energy production, and defeat inflation in his potential second term.
前总统特朗普于8月17日在北卡罗来纳州发表经济演说, 强调降低能源成本、增加美国能源生产、提高美国人的生活水平, Former President Trump delivered an economic speech in North Carolina on 17 August, emphasizing lowering energy costs, increasing US energy production, raising Americans' standard of living, and defeating inflation within the first year of a potential second term. 演讲涉及通货膨胀、天然气价格和就业市场, Trump 也声称取消对老年人的工资税和社会保障税。 The speech addressed inflation, gas prices, and the job market, while Trump also made claims about eliminating taxes on tip wages and Social Security for seniors. 尽管该演讲本意侧重于经济,但该演讲经常偏离常识,对民主党提名人Kamala Harris、她家乡旧金山和Joe Biden总统的儿子进行人身攻击。 Despite its intended focus on the economy, the speech frequently deviated into familiar off-script tangents with personal attacks on Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, her hometown San Francisco, and President Joe Biden's son.