弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯县因有组织的零售盗窃被捕2023年,与2021年相比几乎增加了两倍,据报的盗窃案增加了一倍。 2023 arrests for organized retail theft in Fairfax County, Virginia nearly tripled compared to 2021, with reported thefts doubling.
弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯县警察在打击有组织的零售盗窃方面取得了重大进展,2023年的逮捕人数比2021年几乎增加了两倍。 Fairfax County Police in Virginia have made significant progress in combatting organized retail theft, with arrests nearly tripling in 2023 compared to 2021. 引人注目的案件涉及7名船员从Tysons Galleria商场的Chanel商店盗窃价值60k美元的奢侈品,另有1名船员在7个州损失170k美元。 High-profile cases involve a seven-person crew stealing $60k worth of luxury goods from the Chanel store in Tysons Galleria mall and a separate crew causing $170k in losses across seven states. 自2021年以来,县内举报的盗窃案翻了一番,警察局长Kevin Davis强调零售商收集视频证据的重要性,以协助警察进行逮捕。 Reported thefts in the county have doubled since 2021, and Police Chief Kevin Davis emphasizes the importance of retailers gathering video evidence to aid police in making arrests.