36Parade,Leamington Spa,Warwickshire, 被Dougall集团收购,购买一家新的Nisa商店,9月开业。 36 Parade, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, is acquired by Dougall Group for a new Nisa store, opening in September.
位于沃里克郡利明顿温泉的 36 Parade 已被便利店连锁店 Dougall Group 收购,开设了一家新的 Nisa 商店,该商店将于 9 月开业。 36 Parade, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, has been acquired by convenience store chain Dougall Group for a new Nisa store, which is set to open in September. 这个 5,709 平方英尺的单元以前是 Paperchase 的所在地,位于人流量大的主要公交车站附近。 The 5,709 sq ft unit previously housed Paperchase and is situated near major bus stops with high footfall. Dougall集团在西米德兰和伦敦有商店,计划在南Warwickshire进一步扩大。 Dougall Group, with stores across the West Midlands and London, plans to expand further in south Warwickshire. 商店的开张将创造15个就业机会,并积极促进Leamington的零售市场。 The store's opening will create 15 jobs and contribute positively to Leamington's retail market.