Kellogg的零食生意,包括Pop-Tarts和Cheez-IT, 以360亿美元的价格卖给火星。 Kellogg's snack business, including Pop-Tarts and Cheez-It, is sold to Mars for $36 billion.
Kellogg的零食店(Pop-Tarts和Cheez-It)以360亿美元的交易出售给火星, Kellogg's snack business (Pop-Tarts and Cheez-It) is sold to Mars in a $36 billion deal, expanding Mars' snack portfolio. 这种购置包括知名品牌、生产设施和其他资产。 This acquisition includes well-known brands, production facilities, and other assets. 这笔交易是在凯洛格决定 专注于麦片核心生意之后进行的 The deal comes after Kellogg's decided to focus on its core cereal business.