印度总理莫迪在独立日演讲中敦促有才华的青年设计全球博彩产品。 Indian PM Modi urged talented youth to design global gaming products during his Independence Day speech.
印度总理莫迪(Narendra Modi)在独立日演讲中呼吁有才华的印度青年为全球市场设计产品。 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for talented Indian youth to design products for the global market during his Independence Day speech. 他强调印度游戏产业的潜力, 游戏产业目前占全球游戏玩家的17-20%, 并敦促IT专业人士,人工智能专家和动画师带头开发创新的游戏产品. He emphasized the potential of India's gaming industry, currently representing 17-20% of the world's gamers, and urged IT professionals, AI experts, and animators to lead the development of innovative gaming products. 信息和广播部计划在即将举行的AVGC(视听、博彩和漫画)峰会上设立一个专门的博彩支柱。 The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting plans to include a dedicated gaming pillar at the upcoming AVGC (audio-video, gaming, and comics) summit.