Google AI更新了具有强化链接、当地语言支持和六国扩展的概览。 Google updates AI Overviews with enhanced links, local language support, and six-country expansion.
谷歌的AI概览特征正在得到更新,包括与相关网站的更明显链接,并在当地语言的支持下扩展到六个国家:联合王国、印度、日本、印度尼西亚、墨西哥和巴西。 Google's AI Overviews feature is receiving updates, including more visible links to relevant sites and an expansion to six countries: UK, India, Japan, Indonesia, Mexico, and Brazil, with local language support. 修改的目的是提高用户经验,使用户更容易从出版商获取内容。 The changes aim to enhance user experience and make it easier for users to access content from publishers. 此外,谷歌正在尝试在AI概览案文中直接增加链接,并向用户提供简化新用户答复的选项。 In addition, Google is experimenting with adding links directly within the text of AI Overviews and offering users the option to simplify responses for novice users.