由BT拥有的EE与Nokia和Ericsson合作在Croydon部署的5G小牢房。 5G small cells deployed in Croydon by BT-owned EE in partnership with Nokia and Ericsson.
EE是一家BT拥有的公司,在伦敦克罗伊登部署了第一批5G小细胞,并在联合王国各地安装了1 000多个小细胞。 EE, a BT-owned company, has deployed first 5G small cells in Croydon, London, and installed over 1,000 small cells across the UK. 这些小牢房利用街道上现有的资产,为大型基础设施提供了替代物。 These small cells leverage existing street assets, providing an alternative to bulkier infrastructure. 与Nokia和Ericsson合作,EE安装了小细胞,可提供4G细胞高达300Mbps的速度,5G细胞高达600Mbps的速度。 Partnering with Nokia and Ericsson, EE has installed small cells that can deliver speeds of up to 300Mbps for 4G cells and 600Mbps for 5G. 该公司计划将其4G小细胞足迹扩大到联合王国的更多地点。 The company plans to expand its 4G small cell footprint to more locations in the UK.