Pierce堡市经理Nicholas Mimms因篡改投标和官方不当行为而被捕,操纵了一座城市拥有的财产的投标过程。 Fort Pierce City Manager Nicholas Mimms arrested for bid tampering and official misconduct, manipulating a bid process for a city-owned property.
皮尔斯堡市经理尼古拉斯·米姆斯(Nicholas Mimms)因篡改投标和官方不当行为指控被捕。 Fort Pierce City Manager Nicholas Mimms was arrested for bid tampering and official misconduct charges. 佛罗里达州执法部发现,Mimms操纵了与开发林肯公园市中心走廊的财产有关的投标过程,该走廊为Pierce堡重新开发局所拥有。 The Florida Department of Law Enforcement found that Mimms manipulated a bid process related to the development of property in the Lincoln Park downtown corridor, owned by the City of Fort Pierce Redevelopment Agency. 据称,米姆斯控制了投标语言并披露了私人信息,以使林肯公园青年专业人士受益,这是一家由包括他的侄女在内的两名城市雇员创立的非营利组织。 Mimms allegedly controlled the bid language and disclosed private information to benefit Lincoln Park Young Professionals, a nonprofit founded by two city employees, including his niece. 该案将由第十九巡回州检察官办公室和全国总检察长办公室起诉。 The case will be prosecuted by the Nineteenth Circuit State Attorney's Office and the Attorney General's Office of Statewide Prosecution.