45岁的Jeremy Wilson在NC Caldwell县与一辆被拦截的卡车相撞时死亡。 45-year-old Jeremy Wilson died in a collision with a stopped truck in Caldwell County, NC.
45岁的Jeremy Allan Wilson在北卡罗来纳州Caldwell县的两辆汽车碰撞中丧生,当时他未能放慢速度,与一辆被拦截的卡车发生碰撞。 45-year-old Jeremy Allan Wilson was killed in a two-vehicle collision in Caldwell County, North Carolina, after failing to slow down and colliding with a stopped truck. 事故发生在Ted Seehorn Drive的Beecher Anderson路,导致卡车司机和威尔逊车上的两名乘客受伤,没有生命危险。 The accident occurred on Beecher Anderson Road at Ted Seehorn Drive, resulting in non-life-threatening injuries for the truck driver and two passengers in Wilson's car. N.C. 州公路巡逻队的结论是,不会提出任何指控。 The N.C. State Highway Patrol concluded no charges will be filed.