2人死亡,4人受伤 迪克森港汽车挖掘机坠毁 地下电缆安装。 2 people died, 4 injured in Port Dickson car-excavator crash during underground cable installation.
迪克森港的汽车挖掘机碰撞造成2人死亡,4人受伤。 2 people killed, 4 injured in Port Dickson car-excavator collision. 一辆汽车为躲避交通管道而转弯,失去控制,撞上了在Kampung Gelam交通灯下安装有线地下装置的挖土机。 A car swerved to avoid a traffic cone, lost control, and crashed into an excavator working on underground cable installation at Kampung Gelam traffic lights. 死者包括一名24岁的男性驾驶员和一名18岁的女学生,另有4名乘客受轻伤。 Deceased included a 24-year-old male driver and an 18-year-old female student, while 4 other passengers sustained minor injuries. 目前正在根据1987年《公路运输法》调查这一事件。 The incident is being investigated under the Road Transport Act 1987.