金斯顿夫妇因虐待动物而被捕 在他们的地产上发现了两条死狗 Kinston couple arrested for animal cruelty, 2 dead dogs found on their property.
Kinston夫妇Randy Avon Thompson(45岁)和Mary Lou Thompson(36岁)因虐待动物被Wayne县警察局逮捕。 Kinston couple, Randy Avon Thompson (45) and Mary Lou Thompson (36), were arrested for animal cruelty by the Wayne County Sheriff's Office. 在他们的财产上发现了两条死狗,导致四起动物虐待重罪指控和四起不当处置家畜轻罪指控。 Two dead dogs were found on their property, leading to charges of four felony counts of animal cruelty and four misdemeanor counts of improper disposal of a domestic animal. Randy Thompson没有收到任何保证金,现在在Wayne县监狱,而Mary Lou Thompson得到10 000美元的无担保保证金。 Randy Thompson received no bond and is in Wayne County Jail, while Mary Lou Thompson was given a $10,000 unsecured bond.