伊利诺伊州州长JB Pritzker签署关于老龄问题十年战略计划的行政命令和工业增长五年计划。 Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signs executive order for a 10-year strategic plan on aging, and a five-year plan for industry growth.
伊利诺伊州州长JB Pritzker签署了一项行政命令,以制定一项支持伊利诺伊年老的伊利诺伊人的十年战略计划。 Illinois Governor JB Pritzker has signed an executive order to develop a 10-year strategic plan for supporting aging Illinoisans. 该计划由老龄部新任首席规划干事领导,目的是在包括惩教、保险和住房部在内的各国家机构中制定统一办法。 The plan, led by a new Chief Planning Officer at the Department on Aging, aims to create a unified approach across various state agencies, including Departments of Corrections, Insurance, and Housing. 同时,伊利诺伊州商业和经济机会部公布了一项五年计划,以吸引和留住生命科学、量子计算、清洁能源生产、先进制造业、下一代农业和运输等关键行业的企业。 Meanwhile, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity has published a five-year plan to attract and retain businesses in key industries such as life science, quantum computing, clean energy production, advanced manufacturing, next-generation agriculture, and transportation.