民主党计划在TikTok,Instagram和YouTube上为年轻观众提供垂直视频格式的会议流媒体. DNC plans to stream convention on vertical video formats for younger viewers on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube.
民主党全国委员会 (DNC) 宣布计划在下周的会议上使用像TikTok,Instagram和YouTube这样的垂直视频格式来吸引年轻观众, The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has announced plans to stream next week's convention on vertical video formats like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube to attract younger viewers who predominantly consume news on their mobile devices. 这一举动得到以下事实的支持:三分之一的30岁以下美国人定期在TikTok上获得新闻,而TikTok只流传垂直视频内容。 This move is supported by the fact that one-third of Americans under 30 obtain news regularly on TikTok, which only streams vertical video content. 国家人口委员会的目标是让年轻人口参与进来,并通过他们喜欢的平台和内容格式与他们接触。 The DNC aims to engage younger demographics and reach them through their preferred platforms and content format.