70% 的 Boardmasters Festival 参与者留下了大量废物,包括新帐篷和家具,因此需要进行大规模的清理工作。 70% of Boardmasters Festival attendees left substantial waste, including new tents and furniture, necessitating a large cleanup effort.
康沃尔郡纽基的 Boardmasters Festival 面临着严重的废物问题,70% 的与会者留下了堆积如山的垃圾,包括新帐篷、椅子和床垫。 Boardmasters Festival in Newquay, Cornwall faced significant waste issues, with 70% of attendees leaving mountains of rubbish, including new tents, chairs, and mattresses. 志愿者杰伊·麦吉兰(Jay McGillan)与乐施会合作,将垃圾的规模描述为“疯狂”,并收集物品进行回收。 Volunteer Jay McGillan, working with Oxfam, described the scale of rubbish as "insane" and collected items for recycling. 清理工作需要一个建筑小组和起重机,用垃圾填充大型集装箱大小的垃圾箱。 The cleanup effort required a construction team and crane to fill large shipping container-sized bins with rubbish.