75岁、56岁和50岁因据称在新南威尔士州监狱开展毒品供应行动而被捕,供应丁丙诺啡。 75-year-old, 56-year-old, and 50-year-old arrested for alleged drug supply operation in NSW prison, supplying buprenorphine.
75岁的妇女、56岁的男子和50岁的妇女因据称在澳大利亚新南威尔士州开展监狱毒品供应行动而被捕。 75-year-old woman, 56-year-old man, and 50-year-old woman arrested over alleged prison drug supply operation in NSW, Australia. 威塞克斯打击部队(Strike Force Wessex)成立,旨在使用毒品交易或“拨打经销商”电话调查毒品供应,它发现了一个在惩教设施内运作的集团。 Strike Force Wessex, established to investigate drug supply using drug run or 'dial-a-dealer' phones, identified a syndicate operating within a correctional facility. 该团体涉嫌在监狱内供应丁丙诺啡。 The group is suspected to have supplied buprenorphine within the prison. 此前有两人被捕,正在等待审判。 Two men were previously arrested and await trial.