以「Nitori Ogo」著名的尼日利亚福音歌手Aduke Gold(47岁)去世, 47-year-old Nigerian gospel singer Aduke Gold, known for "Nitori Ogo," passed away; cause unknown.
尼日利亚福音歌手Aduke Gold, 生于Ajayi Aduke Morounkola, 47岁去世, 音乐界和歌迷为她的损失而哀悼。 Nigerian gospel singer Aduke Gold, born Ajayi Aduke Morounkola, passed away at the age of 47, leaving the music industry and fans mourning her loss. Aduke 因其深情的音乐和突破性的热门歌曲“Nitori Ogo”而获得认可。 Aduke gained recognition for her soulful music and breakthrough hit "Nitori Ogo." 除了她的音乐生涯之外,她还获得历史和国际关系以及儿童心理学学位,并热衷于与有特殊需要的儿童一起工作。 Apart from her music career, she earned degrees in History and International Relations, as well as Child Psychology, and was passionate about working with children with special needs. 福音艺术家埃丝特·伊格贝克勒(Esther Igbekele)在社交媒体上宣布了她的死讯,向她对音乐界的影响表示敬意。 Fellow gospel artist Esther Igbekele announced her death on social media, paying tribute to her impact on the music community. 她的死因仍然不明。 The cause of her death remains unknown.