塞内加尔摔跤教练Isabelle Sambou指导男女摔跤手,挑战塞内加尔的传统规范。 Senegalese wrestling coach Isabelle Sambou mentors both male and female wrestlers, challenging traditional norms in her country.
在塞内加尔卡萨芒斯地区,妇女传统上参加地方摔跤,但一旦结婚必须停止。 In Senegal's Casamance region, women traditionally participate in local wrestling but must stop once married. 尽管如此,来自乔拉族的教练和两届奥运会选手伊莎贝尔·桑布(Isabelle Sambou)还是指导了男性和女性摔跤手,帮助他们获得全国比赛奖牌。 Despite this, coach and two-time Olympian Isabelle Sambou, from the Jola ethnic group, mentors both male and female wrestlers, helping them achieve national competition medals. Sambou的努力正在缓慢改变人们对塞内加尔妇女参加体育运动的看法。 Sambou's efforts are slowly changing perceptions of women's participation in sports in Senegal.