下午6时20分至6时40分,在Thurso皇家酒店偷来的5 000英镑劳力士;苏格兰警察调查。 £5,000 Rolex stolen from Royal Hotel, Thurso, between 6:20 and 6:40 pm; Police Scotland investigating.
7月27日, 5000英镑的劳力士表在6点20分至6点40分之间被偷, On July 27th, a £5,000 Rolex watch was stolen from a room at the Royal Hotel in Thurso, Highlands between 6:20 pm and 6:40 pm. 苏格兰警方正在调查,并索取资料以帮助追回被盗的手表。 Police Scotland is investigating and has asked for information to help recover the stolen watch. 公众可以通过101号电话联系苏格兰警察或匿名联系犯罪侦查人员0800 555 111,参考CR/0275321/24. The public can contact Police Scotland at 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously at 0800 555 111, referencing CR/0275321/24.