哈马斯呼吁立即执行先前商定的加沙停火计划。 Hamas calls for immediate implementation of previously agreed upon Gaza ceasefire plans.
哈马斯敦促调解人执行先前商定的加沙停火计划,而不是参与进一步谈判或提出新想法。 Hamas urges mediators to implement previously agreed-upon Gaza ceasefire plans rather than engaging in further negotiations or proposing new ideas. 小组呼吁迅速采取行动,并对谈判持续陷入僵局表示沮丧。 The group calls for swift action and expresses frustration with the ongoing stalemate in negotiations. 哈马斯寻求一项具体计划,以结束冲突并改善该区域的人道主义状况。 Hamas seeks a concrete plan to end the conflict and improve humanitarian conditions in the region.