CAIR对联邦调查局和美国政府提起诉讼,指控两名巴勒斯坦美国人被置于歧视性的观察名单中。 CAIR files lawsuit against the FBI and US government, alleging discriminatory watch list placement of two Palestinian Americans.
CAIR对联邦调查局和美国政府领导人提出诉讼, 指控两名巴勒斯坦裔美国人被列入观察名单, Muslim advocacy group CAIR has filed a lawsuit against the FBI and US government leaders, alleging the discriminatory and racist placement of two Palestinian Americans on a watch list. 这些人从未被指控或判定犯有暴力罪行,声称他们在往返卡塔尔的旅途中受到额外的甄别和审讯。 The men, who have never been charged or convicted of a violent crime, claim they were subjected to extra screening and interrogation while traveling to and from Qatar. 一个被列入禁飞名单。 One was placed on the no-fly list. 向美国弗吉尼亚东区地区法院提起的诉讼指控当局利用禁飞名单针对基于种族、宗教或言论自由活动的个人。 The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, accuses the authorities of using the no-fly list to target individuals based on race, religion, or free speech activity.