美国云服务公司授予印度公司Rapyder Cloud Solutions创新人工智能能力合作伙伴地位. AWS awards Generative AI Competency Partner Status to Indian firm Rapyder Cloud Solutions.
AWS承认印度云咨询公司Rapyder Cloud Solutions与AWS高级Tier伙伴, 其新的“General AI Centercy”伙伴地位成为印度实现这一承认的第三个实体。 AWS recognizes Rapyder Cloud Solutions, an Indian cloud consulting firm and AWS Advanced Tier Partner, with the new 'Generative AI Competency' Partner Status, becoming the third entity in India to achieve this recognition. 这一里程碑标志了Rapyder承诺在所有规模的组织中加速采用具有基因特征的AI解决方案和技术。 This milestone signifies Rapyder's commitment to accelerating the adoption of generative AI solutions and technologies across organizations of all sizes. Rapyder 的生成式 AI 包解决方案,例如 IDP 发票提取器、高级聊天机器人和牛跟踪,已无缝集成到一整套服务中。 Rapyder's generative AI package solutions, such as IDP Invoice Extractor, Advanced Chatbot, and Cattle Tracking, are seamlessly integrated into a comprehensive suite of services.