23岁的特技骑手Chase Faimon因致命肇事逃逸被判30个月徒刑,在堪萨斯州杀害48岁的Kristine Sheffield。 23-year-old stunt rider Chase Faimon sentenced to 30 months for fatal hit-and-run, killing 48-year-old Kristine Sheffield in Kansas.
23岁的Chase Faimon是特技骑手,他因2023年在堪萨斯州Sedgwick县发生致命的肇事逃逸而被判处30个月监禁。 23-year-old Chase Faimon, a stunt rider, was sentenced to 30 months in prison for a fatal hit-and-run in Sedgwick County, Kansas in 2023. 他承认犯有非自愿过失杀人罪,并离开事故现场,在事故现场,他在摩托车上手推车时殴打并杀害了48岁的Kristine Sheffield。 He pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter and leaving the scene of the accident, in which he struck and killed 48-year-old Kristine Sheffield while doing a wheelie on his motorcycle. Faimon先前曾因一起涉及行人的事件而被指控犯有二级谋杀罪。 Faimon has a previous charge of murder in the 2nd degree for a similar incident involving a pedestrian.