44岁的Erin Harbinson,Ladies with Letters倡导者,死于误读宫癌测试;南方健康审查了17,500次涂抹. 44-year-old Erin Harbinson, Ladies with Letters advocate, dies from misread cervical cancer tests; Southern Health reviews 17,500 smears.
44岁的艾琳·哈宾森(Erin Harbinson)是四个孩子的母亲,她是“有字母的女士”(Ladies with Letters)团体的倡导者,在被诊断出患有晚期宫颈癌后去世,这是由于十多年来的三次误读涂片测试引起的。 44-year-old mother-of-four Erin Harbinson, an advocate for the Ladies with Letters group, passed away after being diagnosed with advanced cervical cancer, caused by three misread smear tests over a decade. 南方卫生和社会关怀信托基金为误读结果道歉,促使对17 500次涂片检查进行审查。 Southern Health and Social Care Trust apologized for the misread results, prompting a review of 17,500 smear tests. 审查后成立的“有信的女士”小组对她的去世表示哀悼,并赞扬她的勇敢和韧性。 The Ladies with Letters group, formed after the review, mourned her passing and praised her bravery and resilience.