90,000名在希思罗的转运乘客由于英国政府埃塔计划而损失,影响了竞争力。 90,000 transfer passengers lost at Heathrow due to UK gov't ETA scheme, affecting competitiveness.
希思罗机场声称,由于联合王国政府的电子旅行授权计划,它损失了90,000名转运旅客,该计划要求来自七个中东国家的国民支付10英镑的签证费。 Heathrow Airport claims it lost 90,000 transfer passengers due to the UK government's Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) scheme, which requires nationals from seven Middle Eastern countries to pay £10 for visas. 机场敦促政府审查是否包括空中过境旅客,并对该计划对其竞争力的影响表示关切。 The airport urges the government to review the inclusion of airside transit passengers and expresses concerns about the scheme's impact on its competitiveness. 尽管乘客丧生,希思罗在7月记录了近800万乘客。 Despite the loss of passengers, Heathrow recorded nearly eight million passengers in July.