尽管Q1EPS失败,但TD证券仍将维持Crew Energy (TSE:CR) 的"买入"评级为C$6. TD Securities maintains "Buy" rating for Crew Energy (TSE:CR) at C$6.00 despite Q1 EPS miss.
TD证券重申机组能源(TSE:CR)的“Buy”评级,目标价格为6.00科多巴元,尽管公司损失了Q1 EPS估计值0.04科多巴元。 TD Securities reaffirms a "Buy" rating for Crew Energy (TSE:CR) with a target price of C$6.00, despite the company missing Q1 EPS estimates by C$0.04. 卡纳达的Crew Energy公司主要从事原油,天然气和天然气液体的采购,勘探,开发和生产. Crew Energy focuses on the acquisition, exploration, development, and production of crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids in Canada. TD公司目前对机组能源的证券估价指标包括PE比率为9.07,PEG比率为0.09,Beta比率为1.56。 TD Securities' current valuation metrics for Crew Energy include a PE ratio of 9.07, a PEG ratio of 0.09, and a beta of 1.56.