Hillsborough县孕妇在涉及丰田Venza和摩托车的车祸中失去未出生婴儿。 Pregnant woman in Hillsborough County lost unborn child after car crash involving Toyota Venza and motorcycle.
在佛罗里达州Hillsborough县,一名孕妇在一辆丰田Venza和一辆摩托车的车祸中失去了未出生的婴儿。 In Hillsborough County, Florida, a pregnant woman lost her unborn child after a car crash involving a Toyota Venza and a motorcycle. 佛罗里达公路巡逻队报告说,孕妇及其骑摩托车的同伴受到无生命威胁的伤害,但胎儿后来死亡。 The Florida Highway Patrol reported that the pregnant woman and her companion on the motorcycle suffered non-life-threatening injuries, but the unborn child later died. 丰田的司机在碰撞中没有受伤。 The driver of the Toyota was not injured in the collision.