墨西哥的CFE双倍订单 对GenCell的氢动力备用电源 用于变电站。 Mexico's CFE doubles order for GenCell's hydrogen-powered backup power units for substations.
墨西哥最大的公用事业公司CFE, 将GenCell的氢动力备用动力装置的订单翻了一番, 以加强其分站的复原力、数字化和自动化。 Mexico's largest utility, CFE, has doubled its order for GenCell's hydrogen-powered backup power units to enhance resilience, digitization, and automation at its substations. GenCell REX系统提供零排放、长期电力备份解决方案,优化分站运行和系统互操作性,将后备期从8小时延长至24小时。 The GenCell REX systems provide a zero-emission, long-duration power backup solution, optimizing substation operations and systems interoperability, with an extended backup duration from 8 to 24 hours. GenCell的GreenFSG电力解决方案以可靠、零排放的碱燃料电池为基础,目的是帮助过渡到清洁能源。 GenCell's GreenFSG power solutions are based on reliable, zero-emission alkaline fuel cells, aiming to help transition to clean energy.