男子在班加罗尔的食品摊外使用笔记本电脑工作,引发了在家工作的文化讨论。 Man works on laptop outside food stall in Bengaluru, sparking work-from-home culture discussion.
在印度硅谷班加罗尔,一张病毒式的照片显示,一名男子在食品摊外用笔记本电脑工作,引发了关于科技专业人士优先事项的讨论。 A viral photo in Bengaluru, India's Silicon Valley, shows a man working on his laptop outside a food stall, sparking discussion on tech professionals' priorities. 克里蒂卡·库玛里在社交媒体上发表的文章强调了城市的"在家工作"文化, Kritika Kumari's social media post highlights the work-from-home culture in the city, with some responding humorously. 这起事件与技术专业人员在非同寻常的地方工作,包括在剧院和驾驶两轮车时工作的类似图像类似。 This incident follows similar images of tech professionals working in unusual places, including a theater and while driving a two-wheeler.