品牌 Coehl 在 9 月推出 iPhone 16 套装系列, 具有风格,实用性和磁性充电. Lifestyle brand Coehl launches iPhone 16 case line in September, featuring style, practicality, and magnetic charging.
生活方式品牌 Coehl 于 9 月推出全新 iPhone 16 手机壳系列,将风格和实用性与别致的设计、磁吸充电兼容性、集成挂绳和珍珠/金属装饰手机腕带相结合。 Lifestyle brand Coehl launches new iPhone 16 case line in September, combining style and practicality with chic designs, magnetic charging compatibility, integrated lanyards, and pearl/metallic-accented phone wristlets. 该收藏是为现代妇女设计的,电子邮件订户可得到10%的折扣。 The collection is designed for modern women and will be available with a 10% discount for email subscribers. 发射时间正好与预期的iPhone 16号释放时间相吻合。 The launch coincides with the anticipated iPhone 16 release.