一只大公牛在马萨诸塞州雷纳姆东埃尔姆街和州际495号附近逃跑,造成交通中断。 A large bull escaped near Elm Street East and Interstate 495 in Raynham, Massachusetts, causing traffic disruptions.
一只大公牛在马萨诸塞州雷纳姆东埃尔姆街和州际495号附近逃跑,造成交通中断。 A large bull escaped near Elm Street East and Interstate 495 in Raynham, Massachusetts, causing traffic disruptions. 警察敦促居民避开该地区,并与公牛所有者和其他机构合作寻找和抓捕该动物,因为后来认为这不再对公众构成威胁。 Police urged residents to avoid the area and worked with the bull's owner and other agencies to locate and capture the animal, which was later deemed no longer a threat to the public. 这头公牛逃跑的情况及其目前的状况仍然不明。 The circumstances of the bull's escape and its current condition remain unknown.