乡村音乐家Jelly Roll于8月8日参加Nashville新青年赋权校园的开创性活动, Country musician Jelly Roll attends groundbreaking of Nashville's new Youth Campus for Empowerment on August 8th, featuring a juvenile justice center and crisis center.
乡村音乐家Jelly Roll, Antioch本地人, TN, 参加8月8日纳什维尔新青年赋权校园的开创性仪式。 Country musician Jelly Roll, a native of Antioch, TN, attended the groundbreaking ceremony for Nashville's new Youth Campus for Empowerment on August 8th. 这个14英亩的设施将容纳Davidson县青少年司法中心和一个青少年审前住房设施,为参与司法系统的家庭和24小时危机中心提供资源。 The 14-acre facility will house the Davidson County Juvenile Justice Center and a pre-trial housing facility for youth, providing resources for families involved in the justice system and a 24-hour crisis center. Jelly Roll在Davidson县青少年司法中心度过14岁、15岁和16岁生日, 她强调该中心在风险青年不断变化的环境中的重要性。 Jelly Roll, who spent his 14th, 15th, and 16th birthdays in the Davidson County Juvenile Justice Center, emphasized the importance of the center in changing circumstances for at-risk youth.