澳大利亚畜牧生产者警告说,要支持活出口贸易,以避免羊贸易的命运。 Australian cattle producers warned to support live export trade to avoid sheep trade fate.
澳大利亚畜牧生产者被警告要认真对待对活生生的出口贸易的威胁,如果不采取行动,就有走上与羊贸易相同道路的危险。 Australian cattle producers are warned to take the threat to live export trade seriously, with a risk of following the same path as the sheep trade if they don't act. Frontier International的托尼·古登(Tony Gooden)敦促养牛者积极支持活牛贸易,因为它占澳大利亚销售的所有牛的10%,并确保在海外市场上人道屠宰的澳大利亚牛。 Frontier International's Tony Gooden urges cattle producers to actively support the live trade, as it accounts for 10% of all cattle sold in Australia and ensures humanely slaughtered Australian cattle in overseas markets. Peter Barnard博士是一位受人尊敬的行业人物,他敦促澳大利亚羊业反对政府逐步取消活羊出口,声称1.07亿美元的一揽子补偿计划是不够的。 Dr Peter Barnard, a respected industry figure, urges the Australian sheep industry to fight against the government's phase-out of live sheep exports, claiming the $107 million compensation package is insufficient.