8月7日,Carlyle Group出售了78 180股Quidel Ortho股份,每股39.94美元,7月15日以来多次销售共计超过2 150万美元。 7 August, Carlyle Group sold 78,180 shares of QuidelOrtho at $39.94 each, following multiple sales since 15 July totaling over $21.5M.
公司主要股东是GlycoMimetics的公有股票LP Invus在8月7日以每股0.18美元的价格出售了61,488股股票,而卡莱尔集团在同一天以每股39.94美元的价格出售了QuidelOrtho的78,180股股票. Major shareholder Public Equities L.P. Invus of GlycoMimetics sold 61,488 shares at $0.18 each on Aug 7th, and Carlyle Group sold 78,180 shares of QuidelOrtho at $39.94 each on the same day. Carlyle Group自7月15日以来多次销售,总额超过215万美元。 Carlyle Group has made several sales since July 15th, totaling over $21.5M. 卡莱尔集团最近销售的股票包括118 172股,价值40.37美元(Aug 5),169 467股,价值42.10美元(Aug 2),以及164 877股,价值39.11美元(7月31日)。 The Carlyle Group's recent sales include 118,172 shares at $40.37 (Aug 5th), 169,467 shares at $42.10 (Aug 2nd), and 164,877 shares at $39.11 (July 31st).