在AD 79火山爆发期间 庞贝伊的考古学家 在一座别墅里 发现了一名带硬币和珠宝的男人和女人 Archaeologists in Pompeii discovered a man and woman with coins and jewelry in a villa during the AD 79 volcanic eruption.
Pompeii的考古学家发现,在AD 79火山爆发时,在一座正在翻修的别墅的一个小临时卧室里发现了一男一女的遗骸以及硬币和首饰。 Archaeologists in Pompeii discovered the remains of a man and a woman, along with coins and jewelry, in a small makeshift bedroom in a villa under renovation at the time of the AD 79 volcanic eruption. 女人的手有金银和铜币,以及金耳环和珍珠耳环。 The woman's hand contained gold, silver, and bronze coins, as well as gold and pearl earrings. 这一发现发生在庞贝城第九区,增加了对古城生活的理解,并为受害者在被火山碎屑流掩埋之前生命的最后时刻提供了宝贵的见解。 The discovery, in Pompeii's Region IX, adds to the understanding of life in the ancient city and provides valuable insights into the last moments of the victims' lives before they were buried by a pyroclastic flow.