34岁的Victor Ruano Yuman被捕,被控与一名未成年人进行非法性活动。 34-year-old Victor Ruano Yuman arrested, charged with unlawful sexual activity with a minor.
来自沃尔顿堡海滩的34岁的Victor Ruano Yuman被捕,被控与一名未成年人进行非法性活动。 34-year-old Victor Ruano Yuman from Fort Walton Beach was arrested and charged with unlawful sexual activity with a minor. Yuman的据称受害人是一名17岁的女孩,她向母亲报告了关系,母亲向Okalosa县警察局提交了一份报告。 Yuman's alleged victim, a 17-year-old girl, reported the relationship to her mother, who filed a report with the Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office. 两者之间的多次互动发生在2024年1月至6月期间。 Multiple interactions between the two occurred between January and June 2024. Yuman在Okalosa县监狱以300 000美元的保证金被扣押,等待听讯。 Yuman is held on a $300,000 bond at the Okaloosa County Jail, awaiting a hearing.