20岁的公用事业工人Jayton Stahlhut在密西西比州Prentiss触摸活线死亡。 20-year-old utility worker Jayton Stahlhut died from touching a live wire in Prentiss, Mississippi.
20岁的公用事业工人Jayton Stahlhut在周二下午检查密西西比普伦蒂斯的电线杆时意外触摸活线而死亡。 20-year-old utility worker Jayton Stahlhut died after accidentally touching a live wire while inspecting power poles in Prentiss, Mississippi on Tuesday afternoon. 事件发生在Ray街一带,Stahlhut与EXO公司签订了合同。 The incident occurred along Ray Street, and Stahlhut was contracted with the company EXO. 普伦蒂斯警察局确认了死因,县验尸官确认了受害人的身份。 The Prentiss Police Department confirmed the cause of death and the county coroner identified the victim.