47岁的April Neagos被指控在俄亥俄州纽瓦克刺死了她的父亲,75岁的Nick Neagos。 47-year-old April Neagos is accused of fatally stabbing her father, 75-year-old Nick Neagos, in Newark, Ohio.
47岁的April Neagos被指控在俄亥俄州纽瓦克刺死了她75岁的父亲Nick Neagos。 47-year-old April Neagos is accused of fatally stabbing her 75-year-old father, Nick Neagos, in Newark, Ohio. 事件发生在星期六下午,4月发现自己被刺伤,被带往当地一家医院。 The incident occurred on Saturday afternoon, and April was found with self-inflicted stab wounds, taken to a local hospital. 俄亥俄州刑事调查局正在调查 将对4月的尼戈斯提出指控 The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation is investigating, and charges will be filed against April Neagos. 刺伤的动机仍然不明 The motive for the stabbing remains undisclosed.