42岁的印度航空公司乘客Manoj Kumar因在Cochin机场开玩笑说包里有炸弹而被捕。 42-year-old Air India passenger Manoj Kumar arrested at Cochin airport for joking about a bomb in his bag.
42. 42岁的印度航空公司乘客Manoj Kumar在Cochin国际机场被捕,原因是在安全检查期间,他拿包里装炸弹开玩笑。 42-year-old Air India passenger Manoj Kumar was arrested at Cochin International Airport for joking about a bomb in his bag during security checks. 尽管没有发现任何威胁,但炸弹探测和处理小组彻底检查了他的行李。 Despite no threat being found, the Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad thoroughly inspected his luggage. 库马尔被下船并移交给当地警方进行进一步调查。 Kumar was deboarded and handed over to local police for further investigation. 机场当局就这一事件发表了声明。 Airport authorities issued a statement regarding the incident.