在沃特伯里 E Main St 肇事逃逸中丧生的妇女;警方正在进行调查。 Woman killed in hit-and-run on E Main St, Waterbury; investigation ongoing by police.
星期六晚上,在东主要街603号,一名妇女在Waterbury发生的一起肇事逃逸事件中丧生。 A woman was killed in a hit-and-run incident in Waterbury on Saturday night at 603 East Main Street. 这名女行人被一辆身份不明的逃离现场的车辆击中。 The female pedestrian was struck by an unidentified vehicle, which fled the scene. 她被送往圣玛丽医院,但因受伤而去世。 She was transported to Saint Mary's Hospital but passed away due to her injuries. Waterbury警察局的崩溃重建股正在调查这一事件,并敦促任何有消息的人在203-346-3975之间联系。 The Waterbury Police Department's Crash Reconstruction Unit is investigating the incident and is urging anyone with information to contact them at 203-346-3975.